Weight Management and Physical Activity

Your Health Norfolk offer community based nutrition and exercise programmes to support an active lifestyle and helping people to achieve a healthy weight.

Website: www.yourhealthnorfolk.co.uk
Norfolk offer 12-weeks funded weight management in-person community based groups by Your Health Norfolk and Slimming World for eligible adults.
Check your eligibility and apply online.

Website: Norfolk Weight Management Scheme
Meetings, Online or a little bit of both. We’ve got options and support, whatever your lifestyle.

Website: www.weightwatchers.com
Eating Matters is a Norfolk charity offering counselling for people with mild to moderate eating disorders in the community.

Telephone: 01603 767 062 
Website: www.eatingmatters.org.uk 
Email: [email protected]
Calculate your BMI using this NHS Tool.

Website: NHS: BMI Calculator